Innovation im Gesundheitswesen

Management Consulting 

Managementberatung von Gesundheitseinrichtungen, insbesondere Krankenhäusern  in Deutschland entlang der Medizinischen Innovation

und von politikgetriebenen Reformen.

- Medizinische Versorgungsbedarfsanalyse

- Portfolioausrichtung

- Wirtschaftliche Ausrichtung

gemeinsam mit unserem Netzwerkpartner GöK-Consulting Berlin.

International Exchange in Education and Training

DCRL is a project- an consulting partner for international knowledge exchange and students exchange

Translational  Research

DCRL is active in the coordination and conceptualisation of common scientific publications, reviews and grants


Knowledge Distribution 

CME certified events
Expert lectures, webinars and webcasts
Organization of international educational exchange projects


Clinical Research Services

DCRL provides services including review of trial design, medical writing, support with essential clinical trial documents, contracts, publications, management and coordination of clinical trials and other projects focussed on cardiology
