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DCRL RESEARCH:Targeting MuRF1 by small molecules in a HFpEF rat model improves myocardial diastolic function and skeletal muscle contractility
Volker Adams1,2* , Antje Schauer1, Antje Augstein1, Virginia Kirchhoff1, Runa Draskowski1, Anett Jannasch3,
Keita Goto1, Gemma Lyall4, Anita M nnel1, Peggy Barthel1, Norman Mangner1, Ephraim B. Winzer1, Axel Linke1,2 &
Siegfried Labeit5,6
1Laboratory of Molecular and Experimental Cardiology, TU Dresden, Heart Center Dresden, Dresden, Germany; 2Dresden Cardiovascular Research Institute and Core
Laboratories GmbH, Dresden, Germany; 3Department of Cardiac Surgery, TU Dresden, Heart Center Dresden, Dresden, Germany; 4School of Biomedical Sciences, University of
Leeds, Leeds, UK; 5Myomedix GmbH, Neckargemünd, Germany; 6DZHK (German Center for Cardiovascular Research), partner site Heidelberg/Mannheim, Mannheim,

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