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DCRL RESEARCH: ZSF1 rat as animal model for HFpEF: Development of reduced diastolic function and skeletal muscle dysfunction

Antje Schauer1
, Runa Draskowski1
, Anett Jannasch2
, Virginia Kirchhoff1
, Keita Goto1
, Anita Männel1
, Peggy
, Antje Augstein1
, Ephraim Winzer1
, Malte Tugtekin2
, Siegfried Labeit3,4
, Axel Linke1,5 and Volker
Laboratory of Molecular and Experimental Cardiology, TU Dresden, Heart Center Dresden, Fetscherstrasse 76, Dresden, 01307, Germany; 2
Department of Cardiac Surgery,
Carl Gustav Carus Faculty of Medicine, Technische Universität Dresden, Heart Centre Dresden, Dresden, Germany; 3
Medical Faculty Mannheim, University of Heidelberg,
Heidelberg, Germany; 4
Myomedix GmbH, Neckargemünd, Germany; 5
Dresden Cardiovascular Research Institute and Core Laboratories GmbH, Dresden, Germany
Aims The prevalence of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) is still increasing, and so far, no pharmaceutical
treatment has proven to be effective. A key obstacle for testing new pharmaceutical substances is the availability of suitable
animal models for HFpEF, which realistically reflect the clinical picture. The aim of the present study was to characterize the
development of HFpEF and skeletal muscle (SM) dysfunction in ZSF1 rats over time.
Methods and results Echocardiography and functional analyses of the SM were performed in 6-, 10-, 15-, 20-, and 32-weekold ZSF1-lean and ZSF1-obese. Furthermore, myocardial and SM tissue was collected for molecular and histological analyses.
HFpEF markers were evident as early as 10 weeks of age. Diastolic dysfunction, confirmed by a significant increase in E/e′, was
detectable at 10 weeks. Increased left ventricular mRNA expression of collagen and BNP was detected in ZSF1-obese animals
as early as 15 and 20 weeks, respectively. The loss of muscle force was measurable in the extensor digitorum longus starting at
15 weeks, whereas the soleus muscle function was impaired at Week 32. In addition, at Week 20, markers for aortic valve sclerosis were increased.
Conclusions Our measurements confirmed the appearance of HFpEF in ZSF1-obese rats as early as 10 weeks of age, most
likely as a result of the pre-existing co-morbidities. In addition, SM function was reduced after the manifestation of HFpEF.
In conclusion, the ZSF1 rat may serve as a suitable animal model to study pharmaceutical strategies for the treatment of

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